Ending ExplainedWind Direction Ending Explained

Wind Direction Ending Explained

Dear readers… After watching the end of this Wind Direction drama several times, I decided that I will always remember Zhai Zi Lu as Li Si. At the beginning of the drama, his acting seemed so-so because Li Si’s character was simple. But what happened to Li Si at the end made me cry a bucket of tears. Of course, it was because of Zhai Zi Lu’s excellent portrayal of Li Si. So even though I gave you a big spoiler in this post, I recommend you to watch the ending yourself. I promised you it would be worth it.

And there’s a quote that really moved me: “Life is a long road with hurdles at every step. Said old Mr. Jia to the Cheng couple.

Happy reading, dear readers…

Wind Direction Ending Explained

What Happened to Cheng Miao Miao on Wind Direction Ending?

After a trip to Qingdao, Cheng Miao Miao finally had a dream for her future. She wanted to be an actress and enrolled in the Beijing Film Academy. When she told her family, surprisingly it was Jia Dai Yu who gave her full support.

Wind Direction Ending Explained - What Happened to Cheng Miao Miao?
Wind Direction Ending Explained – What Happened to Cheng Miao Miao?

And not surprisingly, Li Si also wanted to come along. The two of them are really cute and inseparable.

When Cheng Miao Miao came back from school one day, she saw her parents, Hu Qiu Min’s parents, Jia Bao Shan and Xiao Fang sitting in their living room. Seeing her, Jia Dai Yu immediately told her to go to Xiaoshudu Restaurant.

Cheng Miao Miao was curious, she thought the adults were talking about the marriage between Jia Bao Shan and Xiao Fang. So she eavesdropped. She almost jumped out of her skin when she heard about Li Si’s illness.

Cheng Miao Miao told Hu Qiu Min, Cheng Ya Ya and Qiang Xiao Wa about it. They all had tears in their eyes. She told her friend that they should not tell Li Si. They must do their best to protect him. From that day on, Cheng Miao Miao and her friends did everything they could to make Li Si happy.

Qian Xiao Wa took Cheng Miao Miao and the others on a boat trip to the sea. Li Si always wanted to go sailing. They took pictures and enjoyed the view. Cheng Miao Miao asked Li Si if he always followed her wherever she went. Li Si replied without hesitation that he would. The promise that they would never be separated, he said, would be valid for a lifetime.

Li Si also told Cheng Miao Miao that they should see the outside world together. When he patted her head gently, Cheng Miao Miao could not stop the tears from falling from her eyes.

Cheng Miao Miao gave Li Si a matching braided bracelet. Li Si was so happy that day. Before he left, Cheng Miao Miao saw him run past the gate of her house under the afternoon sun. It was the last time she saw Li Si. A bright and vibrant young man in the prime of life. With Li Si gone, Cheng Miao Miao’s youth was over.

I’m CRYIIIINNGG!!!! I could hear my heart breaking into a thousand pieces. The story was so cruel. Why did the scriptwriters let him die? 😭😭😭

What Happened to Li Si on Wind Direction Ending?

Li Si wanted to follow Cheng Miao Miao to the Beijing Film Academy. But of course, Li Da Hai was angry when he heard that. The father and son duo had another fight over it. But the anger didn’t last long, because Li Da Hai had something he wanted Li Si to help him with.

Wind Direction Ending Explained - What Happened to Li Si?
Wind Direction Ending Explained – What Happened to Li Si?

Niu Ling Ling had already made an appointment with an expert at the hospital to examine Li Da Hai’s stomach pain. However, he had a job to do that day and couldn’t go. So as not to disappoint Niu Ling Ling, Li Da Hai asked Li Si to go to the hospital for a check-up. He remembered that Li Si often had a stomach ache.

But the result was far from everyone’s expectations. Li Si’s constant stomach aches, vomiting and diarrhea were a symptom of an terminal disease: late-stage colon cancer. Li Da Hai and Niu Ling Ling were devastated because the doctor said Li Si had only 3 to 6 months to live. They prepared everything for Li Si’s treatment in Beijing. At the same time, they kept the news from him.

But Li Si was not stupid. The moment his parents started treating him well, he knew something big had happened. After a quick search, he found the test result. He, too, was devastated, knowing that he was on the verge of death. Li Si learned that his parents and friends wanted to make him happy in his last days. So he did what he did best, which was to play dumb and play along with them.

But Li Si knew he could no longer keep up the pretense. He made a plan, and on the day he left, Li Si took off all the good luck talismans he always wore, keeping only Cheng Miao Miao’s bracelet. He left a tape recording as his farewell message.

Li Si told his parents that he loved them. He knew about the disease and why they had hidden it from them. He secretly saw his parents crying for him and his friends trying to protect him. And Li Si didn’t want to be a burden to them.

To his parents, Li Si asked them to save the money because his disease couldn’t be cured. They should live well together. To his friends, Li Si had a message for each of them. He told Hu Qiu Min that she should go to Hong Kong once and took a picture of Central Crossroads for him.

Li Si told Qiang Xiao Wa to take care of her friends, especially Cheng Miao Miao. Li Si also asked Cheng Ya Ya to take good care of his sister and not worry about Yuan Shan Qing, because he had given her his blessing.

As for Cheng Miao Miao, Li Si asked her if she was scared and had been crying a lot lately. She must have been afraid that he would leave her. Li Si said that his only wish was to marry her when he grew up, but now he could not fulfill the promise. But he wanted her to remember that she would always have him in this life.

Li Si wanted to decide for himself when he would leave this world. He didn’t want his family and friends to see him tortured by the disease or cry for him. Li Si asked his parents, his friends, his aunts and uncles, and even Jia Bao Shan and Xiao Fang to always remember him as a carefree and untroubled person. They should say goodbye happily.

Li Si took Qiang Xiao Wa’s boat out to sea. He never returned. 😭😭😭😭😭😭

What Happened to Cheng Ya Ya on Wind Direction Ending?

Cheng Ya Ya had an misfortune when he tried to help Yuan Shan Zi. Yuan Yong stabbed him and nearly killed him. When the police arrived, he was taken to the hospital. Jia Dai Yu, Cheng Peng Fei and Cheng Miao Miao rushed to see Cheng Ya Ya.

Wind Direction Ending Explained - What Happened to Cheng Ya Ya?
Wind Direction Ending Explained – What Happened to Cheng Ya Ya?

But the police stopped them. They said that Cheng Ya Ya was involved in the case and that the police needed to investigate first. The police explained that when the eyewitness came to the scene, Cheng Ya Ya was holding a knife.

When the police officers interrogated him, Cheng Ya Ya confessed that he was the one who stabbed and killed Yuan Yong. However, Yuan Shan Qing also confessed to the murder of Yuan Yong. The police knew that they were trying to protect each other. After some investigation, they found out the truth. Cheng Ya Ya was innocent and a victim. However, his lies almost caused him to be punished as well. Fortunately, the police didn’t hold him responsible. Chen Ya Ya was free to go on with his life.

However, Chen Ya Ya was still worried about Yuan Shan Qing and Yuan Shan Zi. When he heard that his parents would take care of Yuan Shan Zi no matter what happened to Yuan Shan Qing, he was relieved.

What Happened to Yuan Shan Qing on Wind Direction Ending?

Yuan Yong wanted to sell Yuan Shan Zi for some money. Yuan Shan Qing begged him to stop, but Yuan Yong wouldn’t listen. Unfortunately, Cheng Ya Ya was there that night with a plate of ribs. Cheng Ya Ya saw Yuan Yong strangle Yuan Shan Qing and smash his head with a flower pot.

Wind Direction Ending Explained - What Happened to Yuan Shan Qing?
Wind Direction Ending Explained – What Happened to Yuan Shan Qing?

The blow managed to stop and distract Yuan Yong. But then he charged at Cheng Ya Ya and beat him mercilessly. Yuan Shan Qing took her sister into the room and hid her under the bed. Then she went back to help Cheng Ya Ya.

When the police arrived, Yuan Yong was dead. Yuan Shan Qing, Cheng Ya Ya and Yuan Shan Zi were taken to the hospital. When the police said that Yuan Yong was dead, Yuan Shan Qing was relieved that he would no longer hurt them. Yuan Shan Qing confessed to the police that she stabbed Yuan Yong several times and killed him.

The police conducted a thorough investigation to find out the truth. And then the forensics found out that it was Yuan Shan Qing who stabbed Yuan Yong to death. So the police arrested her. On the day she left the hospital, the whole gang was waiting for her. The children, parents, and teacher stood in the alley to see her off.

Yuan Shan Qing was to be taken to the detention center, while Yuan Shan Zi was to be sent to the welfare center. But Jia Dai Yu stepped forward and said that Yuan Shan Zi would live with them no matter what happened to Yuan Shan Qing. Jia Dai Yu said that they’d wait for her.

Li Da Hai, Cheng Peng Fei and Yand Song Bai found a good lawyer for Yuan Shan Qing to defend her case. After the investigation, the judge ruled that what Yuan Shan Qing did to Yuan Yong was self-defense, and she was released. On the day she left the prison, Cheng Ya Ya left the school early to welcome her.

What Happened to Hu Qiu Min on Wind Direction Ending?

When her mother and stepfather decided to divorce, suddenly Hu Qiu Min felt that her life was incomplete. She might hate Yang Song Bai, but deep down in her heart she still regarded him as her father. And to the fact that she knew why they decided to divorce (because when they drunk, she could hear their conversation from her room), Hu Qiu Min pitying her parents. They were not bad people; they were just unhappy.

Wind Direction Ending Explained - What Happened to Hu Qiu Min?
Wind Direction Ending Explained – What Happened to Hu Qiu Min?

So, when Yang Song Bai leave the house and went to the dormitory, she decided to visit the oil rig. Hu Qiu Min’s visit surprised Yang Song Bai. He told Hu Qiu MIn that Yang Tao would always be her brother. And Hu Qiu Min responded that he would aways be her stepfather.

Later, Yang Song Bai returned to his work while Hu Qiu Min observed from afar. Only then she realized that Yang Song Bai was indeed a good leader for his subordinates. But it wasn’t long before the accident happened.

Her parents might not be remarried, but the accident changed everything. Hu Yue and Yang Song Bai no longer in a constant fight. Hu Qiu Min still has his brother, and her stepfather was still his father. The divorce and the accident, somehow, bring them closer as a family.

What Happened to Qiang Xiao Wa on Wind Direction Ending?

Qiang Xiao Wa went to Qingdao to represent his school in a provincial essay contest. He was not so sure about going there, but Cheng Miao Miao managed to persuade him to go. In fact, Cheng Miao Miao also wanted to go to Qingdao for a vacation. Qiang Xiao Wa relented and decided to go to the competition. Cheng Miao Miao also went, and of course, Li Si followed her.

Wind Direction Ending Explained - What Happened to Qiang Xiao Wa?
Wind Direction Ending Explained – What Happened to Qiang Xiao Wa?

Qiang Xiao Wa told his brother about his hesitation. But Qiang Da Wa encouraged him to go. Qiang Da Wa didn’t want his brother to miss a chance. On the appointed day, Qiang Xiao Wa, Cheng Miao Miao and Li Si went to Qingdao. The three of them arrived safely. But they got lost and arrived late at the youth center. With some persuasion from Cheng Miao Miao and Li Si, the committee accepted his registration.

During the competition, the other contestants made fun of Qiang Xiao Wa because of his outdated fashion, which showed that he was from a village. But Li Si and Cheng Miao Miao came to his rescue. They bought him a new pair of sneakers and a jacket. They said Qiang Xiao Wa must look sharp because it’s a good sign. So Qiang Xiao Wa entered the competition with extra confidence.

And Qing Xiao Wa won 3rd place and 300 yuan prize money. As a thank-you gift, Qiang Xiao Wa took Cheng Miao Miao and Li Si to an amusement park.

What Happened to the Parents on Wind Direction Ending?

Wind Direction Ending Explained - What Happened to the Parents?
Wind Direction Ending Explained – What Happened to the Parents?

Jia Dai Yu and Cheng Peng Fei

Jia Dai Yu and Cheng Peng Fei took Yuan Shan Zi to live with them. They treated her as their own child. They even planned to buy a small bed for Yuan Shan Zi on the second day she lived with them.

Cheng Miao Miao and Cheng Ya Ya were worried about Yuan Shan Zi if Yuan Shan Qing was taken to prison. Jia Dai Yu and her husband assured them that no matter what happened to Yuan Shan Qing, they would take care of Yuan Shan Zi. They also said that they don’t want Yuan Shan Zi to know what happened because they want her to grow up well.

Niu Ling Ling and Li Da Hai

Li Da Hai and Niu Ling Ling were devastated when they learned that Li Si had intestinal cancer that couldn’t be cured. They cried and wept, but couldn’t do anything. Even Li Da Hai, who didn’t believe in superstitious things, began to pray for Li Si’s life. He also asked God if he could change his life with his son.

For Li Si’s sake, Li Da Hai and Niu Ling Ling decided to hide the news. They wanted Li Si to live his last days in happiness. Li Da Hai started cooking and quit his job in the fields. Niu Ling Ling knew that they needed a huge amount of money for Li Si’s treatment. So she decided to sell the restaurant. They told Li Si that they would take him to Beijing for a small operation because the doctor had found a polyp in his stomach.

But before they could leave, Li Si was gone. He left behind only a record cassette. Li Da Hai and Niu Ling Ling wept when they heard their son’s last message. He said he loved them forever.

Hu Yue and Yang Song Bai

After a heartfelt conversation, which could happen because they were both drunk, Hu Yue and Yang Song Bai made an important decision in their lives. The next day, they went to get their divorce certificate. Yang Song Bai then moved out and lived in the dormitory. Hu Yue went on a trip to Beijing.

Not long after, however, Yang Song Bai had an accident that left him paralysed from the waist down. Although they were divorced, Hu Yue decided to take care of Yang Song Bai voluntarily. His condition frustrated Yang Song Bai, but Hu Yue helped him through a difficult time.

When Yang Tao returned home, he was shocked to see his father’s condition. No one told him about the accident because he was preparing for his exam. But after all the secrets were revealed, Yang Song Bai and Hu Yue made a statement before their children.

Hu Yue said that although she and Yang Song Bai were divorced, she would continue to look after Yang Song Bai as a family. They were not fit to be husband and wife and would not remarry. Their marital status wouldn’t affect the relationship between Hu Qiu Min and Yang Tao.

Yang Tao would always be Hu Qiu Min’s brother and vice versa. And the place where they now live will always be their home. This decision brought some relief to their children. Now they can live a peaceful life together as a family.

Things That Happened in the Present (2017)

Cheng Miao Miao wore all of Li Si’s talismans on her neck and wrist as a way of keeping him by her side After graduation, she didn’t go to college, but to a women’s vocational school. Cheng Miao Miao has worked as a journalist for 6 years.

Wind Direction Ending Explained - Things That Happened in the Present (2017)
Wind Direction Ending Explained – Things That Happened in the Present (2017)

Cheng Miao Miao moved to Beijing when she was 30 years old, and at 35, she quit her 9 to 5 job and became a full-time storyteller. She brought a camper and traveled to see all the places by the sea.

After Li Si disappeared at sea, Cheng Miao Miao never stopped missing him. There are pictures of him hanging on her RV. Every year, Cheng Miao Miao always commemorate Li Si’s birthday at places by the sea. She took pictures of the birthday cake and kept all the photos in a photo album.

Cheng Miao Miao’s personality changed. She was no longer the same vivacious 18-year-old. Now Cheng Miao Miao was a more serious and somewhat colder person. However, she hasn’t lost her quirky side and kind heart. She was still the same person who would help people no matter what.

Hu Qiu Min worked at an auction house in Hong Kong. She did what Li Si told her the last. Now Hu Qiu Min has a boyfriend and has just found out that she is pregnant. She went back to Linqi to invite her parents to her wedding in Hong Kong.

Yang Song Bai and Hu Yue never remarried but they still lived together as a family. Now Yang Song Bai always accompanied Hu Yue when she went to the square dance. Yang Tao was now married and lived in Singapore. The whole family would reunite in Hong Kong for Hu Qiu Min’s wedding.

Cheng Ya Ya married Yuan Shan Qing. She now worked in a flower shop because Yuan Shan Qing had no other choice. Her status as a suspect in Yuan Yong’s case and the fact that she once stayed in the detention center were enough to ruin her dream.

Yuan Shan Zi was adopted by the Cheng family. Cheng Peng Fei and Jia Dai Yu moved out of the oilfield compound because they wanted to start a new life. They also didn’t want Zi to know about her tragic past. This is Yuan Shan Qing’s request for the family.

As a result, Zi never knew that Yuan Shan Qing was her biological sister. She always referred to Yuan Shan Qing as her sister-in-law. Zi’s presence was a gift to the Cheng family. They all loved the young girl with all their hearts.

Qiang Xiao Wa worked as a teacher. He was assigned to the most difficult class. However, on the first day, Qiang Xiao Wa managed to gain the trust of his students. The way he teaches his students is similar to that of Mr. Gao. Qiang Xiao Wa was married with a daughter. The happy family lived in a nice and spacious apartment.

After Li Si was gone, Niu Ling Ling and Li Da Hai went to Australia. Every year on Li Si’s birthday, Cheng Miao Miao would call them. Each call brought a bittersweet memory for the three of them. Before they left, Niu Ling Ling sold her restaurant to Jia Bao Shan and his wife, Xiao Fang. They never changed the design of the restaurant, so when Cheng Miao Miao and her friends came, they could still feel the old atmosphere.

Whenever Cheng Miao Miao, Hu Qiu Min and Qiang Xiao Wa met in Linqi, they would spend some time at sea. The three of them would stare out at the vast sea and send greetings to their forever-missing friend.

My Two Cents

My heart goes out to Cheng Miao Miao. After Li Si’s death, Cheng Miao Miao didn’t have the closure she needed to move on from her heartbreak. If only Li Si had chosen to face his illness and died naturally, maybe Cheng Miao Miao wouldn’t be as heartbroken as she is now. She would have been able to toughen her heart to face the hardest thing, which was Li Si’s death.

But things that happen suddenly always leave a deeper mark. And that was what had happened to her.

After watching several episodes, I realized that Li Si and his father used to talk about death and longing. And Li Si’s stomach aches were a constant throughout the drama. But I didn’t pay attention to it. 😩

Well, dear readers… Did you like the ending? Did you all see it coming? Because I never did. Do remember to let us know what you think in the comments box below. Thanks for stopping by. Now, excuse me… I still have to cry about Li Si and Cheng Miao Miao’s ill-fated relationship. You can also read this drama review at Wind Directon drama review post. I’ll see you in another post of Drama Review and Ending Explained post. Bye bye!

Iya Moyya
Iya Moyya
"A Chinese drama and movie lover for the past 5 years. I contemplate everything, everyday" - Do you like my writing? You can support me by clicking this donation link: Buy Me A Coffee ☕️, thank you!


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