Dear readers… When I wrote this post, my eyes were swollen. To write this ending-explained post, I had to rewatch several episodes in a row. This Angels Fall Sometimes drama hits differently; the more I watch, the sadder I become. I could feel how helpless and depressed Lin Tao was and how An Zhi Que suppressed her anxiety whenever she was with him.
The heavy atmosphere felt so different compared to the happy and cheerful atmosphere at the beginning of the drama. Remember to have tissues nearby before reading this post or watching the Angels Fall Sometimes drama ending. Enjoy the post!
Angels Fall Sometimes Ending Explained
What Happened to Lin Tuo and An Zhi Que?
As his health declined and using the bathroom became difficult, Lin Tuo asked An Zhi Que to put him in a nursing home. He also resigned from his position at Ji Jia, leaving a pile of designs he had been working on for several years to Wei Hai Yang.
The company held a farewell party for Lin Tuo. During the party, Wei Hai Yang announced that Lin Tuo had been awarded Ji Jia’s Outstanding All-Around Employee Award. His friends also gave Lin Tuo a photo album filled with the beautiful pictures of him and well-wishes of everyone who worked at Ji Jia.
Lin Tuo was very touched because they were the ones who were always there to support him during his hard time. Before leaving the building for the last time, Lin Tuo said goodbye to Wei Hei Yang and reminded him to take care of his health.
An Zhi Que then accompanied Lin Tuo to You’Ai Rehabilitation and Nursing Home, where he was placed in a ward with three other patients. The two people were Uncle Guo, whom Lin Tuo met in the hospital when he was first diagnosed with ALS, and a young boy named Dong Dong. Lin Tuo learned from Uncle Guo that An Zhi Que had been working as a caregiver at the nursing home in order to learn how to take care of Lin Tuo at home.

Uncle Guo was kind and helped Lin Tuo in his early days. His words were reassuring and brought peace to Lin Tuo. Uncle Guo was a great source of support for those who were struggling with their illnesses. He also managed an online group called Light of Hope, which provided a forum for ALS patients and caregivers to share information and support each other.
One day, An Zhi Que received the sad news that Grandpa Xu had passed away suddenly due to his heart condition. His death shocked Lin Tuo and worsened his depression. He refused to eat and pushed away anyone who tried to help, including his parents.
An Zhi Que was worried about his condition, which had lasted for days. When she delivered Lin Tuo’s lunch, she found his bed empty, and A sense of foreboding crept into her heart. Desperately, she searched every room in the nursing home for him.
Chen Guang Pu suddenly called her in a panic to report that Lin Tuo was missing. It turned out that Lin Tuo had asked Chen Guang Pu to take him outside. While Chen Guang Pu was buying some drinks, Lin Tuo disappeared. An Zhi Que, Chen Guang Pu, He Xin Di, and Jiang Chu Cheng were anxious to find him.
Lin Tuo said goodbye to a young boy on the riverbank. He had been asking the boy to take him there. Lin Tuo was planning to end his life. An Zhi Que found him just in time and stopped his wheelchair.
Lin Tuo cried, feeling that everything was pointless and that he could not go on living like this. He begged An Zhi Que to let him go, but An Zhi Que convinced him to keep on living. Lin Tuo only stopped trying after An Zhi Que told him that if he wanted to die, then he should. She was ready to follow him to die. The two of them bawled their hearts out.
Lin Tuo returned to the nursing home and An Zhi Que had a deep conversation with him and assured him that everything would be fine. Although it was difficult for Lin Tuo to recover from his depression, none of his friends gave up. To encourage him, An He Gui came with a bowl of soup, Chen Guang Pu and He Xin Di arrived with pizzas, Uncle Guo took some chicken legs from the canteen, and even Dong Dong brought him a lollipop.
Everyone was trying to help Lin Tuo feel better, and it touched Lin Tuo’s heart. Nobody mentioned what happened yesterday.
Things improved after Jiang Chu Cheng brought Lin Tuo a computer that could be controlled using his eyes. Jiang Chu Cheng downloaded some graphic design programs and movies for Lin Tuo.
An Zhi Que gave Lin Tuo the idea to create a nursing manual. This project kept his spirits high, and in the end, Lin Tuo decided he still wanted to accomplish many things. He has three things he wants to do in his life.
The first is to be a designer, and Lin Tuo has achieved that. The second is he wanted to (accepted) live with ALS. To fight the disease and to turn misfortune into something meaningful. As for the third one, Lin Tuo is still keeping it a secret.
After the wedding of Chen Guang Pu and He Xin Di, Lin Tuo’s health worsened and he was taken to the hospital. Uncle Guo shared the contact number of a doctor who runs a research group on ALS. The doctor currently requires data from ALS patients. It turned out that the research lab was the one Wei Hai Yang and Lin Tuo had visited earlier when he was still working in Ji Jia.
Lin Shou Zheng decided to join the research group. However, in order to collect data from patients, they needed funding. Fortunately, a businessman who happened to be an ALS patient, Mr. Gao, was willing to assist.
Uncle Gu’s condition was deteriorating, so he asked Lin Tuo to take over his group. Shortly thereafter, Uncle Guo was found dead in his bed due to respiratory failure. Another patient named Yilan took over his bed because she wanted to care for Uncle Guo’s flowers. Yilan was a ballet dancer before being diagnosed with ALS. Uncle Guo saved her from suicide attempts.
An Zhi Que noticed Yilan’s fiancee peeking into their ward several times. Xing Kai still feels guilty about leaving Yilan when she was sick. The couple did not part on good terms, and both still harbor guilt and regret. Now, Xing Kai was about to get married and move to Shanghai.
Therefore, he wanted to see her one more time. Lin Tuo, An Zhi Que, Chen Guang Pu, and He Xin Di helped Yilan and Xing Kai resolve their problems. Finally, Yilan and Xing Kai were able to talk about their relationship in peace and forgive each other. Yilan believed that forgiving the unforgivable was the best way to reconcile with oneself.
The Lin family was surprised when Lin Ye announced that he would be dropping out of art school to study at the medical school. He wanted to be the fourth generation of Dr. Lin, after his father. Lin Ye wanted to study neurology and become a doctor for the sake of Lin Tuo and other ALS patients.
As the time goes by, Lin Tuo’s ability to speak is decreasing. An Zhi Que took Lin Tuo on a birthday holiday. They reminisce about the past. An Zhi Que still remember that Lin Tuo said that he wanted to see snow and envious of his friend who came from a place where the snow falls.
So, with the help of Chen Guang Pu and He Xin Di, An Zhi Que arranged a snow machine so Lin Tuo could see the snow as his birthday gift.. They also write a wish an put in on a bottle. It was Lin Tuo’s third wish, to be with An Zhi Que forever.
Lin Tuo feared that sometime he would need get tracheotomy. He asked An Zhi Que what she wanted ho to choose (to use it or not). An Zhi Que replied that she would follow whatever he choose because he is the only one who can choose. Her duty is to respect his choice and stand up for his right.
Lin Tuo admitted that he dreaded that day, An Zhi Que also dreaded the day just like she dread many thing. She dreaded that Lin Tuo would leave her or her father would leave her. However, she wanted to live bravely. Lin Tuo responded that it was Zn Zhi Que who made him brave and wanted to live on.
Meanwhile for An Zhi Que, it was Lin Tuo who made her brave. An Zhi Que asked Lin Tuo to stop being afraid and live their lives well and be together. And if oneday he left her, she promised to carry on living with the love he gave her. She believed they would meet again in another life. That night, the snow really fall like it was a gift from the heaven.
I ran out of tissues again… This scene always makes me cry…
Lin Tuo was invited to give a speech at the university. With a heavy voice, he spoke about his disease and the love and kindness he felt. The disease has changed the fate of those around him. Lin Shou Zheng is now a researcher for ALS drug development. Xu Li Lian left her nursing job to train caregivers and families at a rehabilitation nursing home.
Wei Hai Yang and Jiang Chu Cheng developed more suitable beds and smart wheelchairs for ALS patients. Lin Tuo also said that life will eventually come to an end. As long as we are alive, there are people to love and be loved. The last part of the speech was dedicated to An Zhi Que. He said that meeting her was the luckiest thing in his life.
Two years later, An Zhi Que returned home and greeted Lin Tuo. Lin Tuo was completely bedridden and on life support. He was surrounded by photos of him, An Zhi Que, and their friends during the happiest time of their lives. An Zhi Que kept her promise to stay with him until the end.
What Happened to Chen Guang Pu and He Xin Di?
After Lin Tuo’s suicide attempt, He Xin Di and Chen Guang Pu’s relationship grew closer. When He Xin Di experienced stomach pain, she called Chen Guang Pu for help. He promised to come home soon and bring her medicine.

However, two hours have passed, and he has not shown up yet. Anxious, He Xin Di called the police, who found Chen Guang Pu asleep in front of a closed pharmacy. The designated driver explained that Chen Guang Pu had been searching for medicine for his girlfriend, but they could not find an open pharmacy.
It’s hard to believe they didn’t have a 24-hour pharmacy… LOL
The next morning, He Xin Di found a bottle of hot water and a bottle of medicine beside her bed. She could not help but feel very touched by the kind gestures from Chen Guang Pu. Afterward, she went to work at HW café, and during a livestream, Chen Guang Pu proposed to her, and He Xin Di said yes. They informed Lin Tuo and An Zhi Que about the engagement and asked them to be their best man and bridesmaid.
Chen Guang Pu told Lin Tuo that he had not realized all this time that he had found the right person by his side. Chen Guang Pu felt fortunate to have He Xin Di in his life.
Meanwhile, He Xin Di tried to call her parents to inform them about her marriage, but nobody answered. He Xin Di gave up and said that she did not care about them since they did not care about her.
An Zhi Que reassured her that she still wanted He Xin Di to be a part of her family. He Xin Di also said that Chen Guang Pu has an average appearance, has no promising future, his car is a second-hand car, and his house belongs to his parents. Nevertheless, she somehow feels comfortable with him.
An Zhi Que gave He Xin Di her mother’s pearl necklace, but He Xin Di refused. An Zhi Que insisted that He Xin Di should wear it for her since she might not get married anytime soon. They spent the rest of the night crying and wishing happiness for each other.
On their wedding day, An He Gui walked He Xin Di on the aisle. Chen Guang Pu and He Xin Di dedicated the wedding to Lin Tuo and An Zhi Que. They bet all their happiness on wishing a long life for Lin Tuo and An Zhi Que.
Dong Dong, the young boy in Lin Tuo’s ward, was not given a complete examination for his condition. As a result, it was discovered that he did not have ALS, but rather SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy), which can be treated with an injection. However, the treatment was expensive and Dong Dong’s parents were unable to afford it.
Lin Tuo devised a plan and asked Ji Jia for cooperation so that some of the money earned from their design work could be used to cover Dong Dong’s medical expenses. Chen Guang Pu and He Xin Di raised funds for Dong Dong’s injection by performing the Ice Bucket Challenge. They were able to gather the necessary funds through various channels.
As a result of their efforts, Chen Guang Pu and He Xin Di became ambassadors of love for ALS and continue to assist ALS patients in any way possible.
It was later revealed that Chen Guang Pu and He Xin Di, who was pregnant, were living a harmonious life with Chen Guang Pu’s parents.
My Two Cents
I forgot to mention Cai Lei in my drama review. He is the former VP of Chinese e-commerce giant, and also an ALS patient. I think I saw him in a short scene, but I have no idea which episode it was. By using real patients and real ALS specialists, Angels Falls Sometimes drama feels realistic. My heart goes out to everyone who is fighting this disease right now.
This is the end of Angels Fall Sometimes. The ending was an open ending, but it was also tear-jerking. Thank you for stopping by, I’ll see you in another post of drama reviews and ending explained. Goodbye!