Ending ExplainedInterlaced Scenes Ending Explained

Interlaced Scenes Ending Explained

Dear readers, this is the ending explanation of the Interlaced Scenes drama. I assumed that if you found this article, you have watched the drama or read my Interlaced Scenes drama review. Did you have a good time watching it? I hope you did. Anyway, you must be curious about the ending of Interlaced Scenes. I won’t keep you long, let’s get started! Have fun reading!

Interlaced Scenes Ending Explained

Where is Jiang Na on Interlaced Scenes Ending?

Jiang Guang Ming and Shi Luo continue to investigate Jiang Na’s disappearance under the pretext of looking for Zhang Qing’s murder weapon, the dog leash. The investigation leads them to discover that Jiang Na was the one who copied Tang Xun’s last story and gave it to Gu Ji Ming.

Interlaced Scenes Ending Explained - Where is Jiang Na?
Interlaced Scenes Ending Explained – Where is Jiang Na?

Jiang Na and Gu Ji Ming were in a relationship. After accidentally book a room in a hotel, Jiang Na and Gu Ji Ming become regular guests. During their honeymoon period, Jiang Na got pregnant. Gu Ji Ming seemed to be shocked by the rapid progress of his life. He also felt torn because he was also involved with Su Zhen Zhen for the sake of his novel.

Being with Su Zhen Zhen made Gu Ji Ming’s career skyrocket. The publisher asked him to write a good novel for them. Gu Ji Ming tried to write, but he got stuck. Until he got the idea to use Tang Xun’s writings that Jiang Na gave him. Tang Xun was already dead, so no one would claim the 6 pages of the story opening.

When he used Tang Xun’s writing as the beginning of the novel, ideas began to appear. In no time, Gu Ji Ming managed to write the entire Black Rain novel. His relationship with Su Zhen Zhen also grew closer, and he planned to move in with her.

But things went wrong when Jiang Na found out that his book Black Rain was going to be published. She read it and found Tang Xun’s writing in the book. Jiang Na told him that it was plagiarism and that the book shouldn’t be published.

Meanwhile, Gu Ji Ming rationalized that he only borrowed six pages of fortune and wrote the rest of the book. He thought it was like finishing an unfinished book. But Jiang Na still told him to stop lying to himself. She was very disappointed in him even though he said he did it for the sake of her and their unborn baby.

Gu Ji Ming was afraid that Jiang Na would hinder his novel and career, so he decided to kill her. He took her for a ride in Su Zhen Zhen’s car under the pretext of checking out their future house. He took her to the Windmill Mountain area.

At that time, Jiang Na and Gu Ji Ming met Pepper, Tang Xun’s dog, and Mrs. Sun who took care of it. Gu Ji Ming was so nervous that he almost collapsed when the dog barked at him. He dragged Jiang Na back to the car.

On halfway, Gu Ji Ming said that the landlord had just texted that he had some business to do, so they couldn’t see the house. As they were about to return, Jiang Na saw the windmill and asked him to stop for a while. She stood at the edge of the ravine and admired the surroundings.

At the end, not knowing that Gu Ji Ming was approaching her from behind with a knife in his hand, when she talked about the future of their unborn baby, Gu Ji Ming cold-bloodedly killed her and the baby. There was only one witness who saw everything. It was Pepper.

What Happened to Jiang Guang Ming and Shi Luo on Interlaced Scenes Ending?

Jiang Guang Ming’s suspicion of Gu Ji Ming grew stronger after a surveillance camera captured an image of Jiang Na entering an underpass. It was the last image of her. Jiang Na has not been seen since.

Interlaced Scenes Ending Explained - What Happened to Jiang Guang Ming?
Interlaced Scenes Ending Explained – What Happened to Jiang Guang Ming?

Jiang Guang Ming and his team checked all the vehicles that passed through the underpass and found Su Zhen Zhen’s jeep driven by Gu Ji Ming. They concluded that Jiang Na had gone with Gu Ji Ming in his car after she entered the underpass. He had carefully placed two boxes of wine on the passenger seat, so the security camera couldn’t see that she was with him.

Jiang Guang Ming summoned Gu Ji Ming for questioning, but he was ready with his alibi. However, Jiang Guang Ming is a veteran police officer, and she almost cornered him during the interrogation. When she asked him where he had taken Jiang Na after the underpass, Gu Ji Ming was stunned for a split second and swallowed before replying that he had never seen her.

The police didn’t have any solid evidence linking Gu Ji Ming to Jiang Na’s disappearance, so they had to let him go. Meanwhile, Shi Luo found out that Gu Ji Ming and He Peng had argued the night after Jiang Na disappeared.

To confirm the information, Jiang Guang Ming and Shi Luo went to see He Peng. He explained that it was not a fight. But Gu Ji Ming looked upset when He Peng asked Gu Ji Ming for his help regarding Jiang Na. He Peng also mentioned that he was applying for a transfer to Xiamen because he had heard from Jiang Na’s colleague that she wanted to work in Xiamen.

He Peng hoped that if he transferred there, he would meet her by chance. Jiang Guang Ming and Shi Luo stared at each other with a solemn look and a smile that didn’t look like a smile. Shi Luo whispered to Jiang Guang Ming whether they should tell him about Jiang Na’s case. But Jiang Guang Ming said that they should let He Peng search for Jiang Na. He would give up eventually.

Jiang Guang Ming and Shi Luo also found important clues about Gu Ji Ming. He Peng told them that during the Literature Club meeting at Windmill Mountain, Gu Ji Ming was frightened by a dog that kept barking at him. The dog looked like the missing dog, Pepper.
I bet no one remembers that the dog belonged to the first murder victim, Zhang Qing. I know, because I forgot it too….😂😂

With He Peng’s help, Jiang Guang Ming and Shi Luo find the dog and the leash. The discovery leads them to the key evidence of Jiang Na’s case: her last whereabouts. Mrs. Sun, who found Pepper (the dog was now called Blessing), recognized the pictures of Gu Ji Ming and Jiang Na. She said that she had met them in the Windmill Mountain area.

Mrs. Sun remembered them because Jiang Na recognized the dog and wanted to get it back from her because the dog belonged to her friend. Jiang Na asked for Mrs. Sun’s phone number, but she never called her back. Mrs. Sun also told Jiang Guang Ming and Shi Luo that Jiang Na and Gu Ji Ming went to the mountain after saving her number.

Jiang Guang Ming realized that they might have found Jiang Na. So she asked Shi Luo to send He Peng back home while she handled the rest.

Shi Luo, who cared for He Peng, wished him well. He knew that when Jiang Na’s body was found, He Peng would be the most heartbroken.

Interlaced Scenes Ending Explained - What Happened to Shi Luo?
Interlaced Scenes Ending Explained – What Happened to Shi Luo?

Jiang Guang Ming asked for reinforcements to search the entire mountain for Jiang Na’s body. It was 2 a.m. when the police dog found something. After the officers dug the area, they finally found human remains buried on the ground. Jiang Guang Ming felt a pang in her heart when she saw the remains.

The next day after they confirmed that the body they found was Jiang Na’s remains, jiang Guang Ming and her team went to arrest Gu JI Ming. However, Su Zhen Zhen asked her to arrest him after the wedding was over. During the wedding vow, Jiang Guang Ming was reminded to her own wedding. She was very happy at that time.

The autopsy results showed that Jiang Na was pregnant when she was murdered. The police rushed to the wedding site. Before the wedding began, Jiang Guang Ming went to see Su Zhen Shen and told her that Gu Ji Ming was a murder suspect. However, Su Zhen Shen has no intention of cancelling the wedding.

To ensure that the guests would not be disturbed, the police officers guarded the wedding venue in civilian clothes. During the wedding vows, Jiang Guang Ming stared at the couple in awe. It reminded her of her own wedding. She was so happy and beaming with joy back then.

After the vows were said and the guests were escorted to the reception area, Gu Ji Ming was arrested by the police.

In the interrogation room, Jiang Guang Ming showed Gu Ji Ming a blood-stained knife they found on the mountain. It contained his blood and that of Jiang Na. Because of the strong evidence, Gu Ji Ming could not escape the accusation. He admitted that he killed Jiang Na, but he also said that he only plagiarized six pages, the rest of the novel was written by himself. 🤨

After a long day, Jiang Guang Ming returned home and cooked dinner for Xu Kang. During the meal, she told Xu Kang that she had decided to be separated from him. Jiang Guang Ming said that she still could not forgive him for the betrayal.

However, she had thought about their marriage and realized that he would be a good father. On the other hand, she might not be a good mother or a qualified wife. Jiang Guang Ming felt that her tough nature and her job made her feel like she was living in a shell that protected her but could not protect her marriage.

Instead, it became a burden to her. So now she needed time to herself, to be happy instead of tired. Xu Kang cried and said he was sorry for his mistakes.

The next day, Shi Luo happily returned to the office only to find that Officer Zhang had been transferred to another place without saying goodbye to him. He went to his desk dejectedly. His mood worsened when he saw the rubric cube on his desk. Officer Zhang gave it back to him.

Shi Luo took the cube and found that there was a message underneath. “Let me teach you” was written in neat script. His mood instantly soared.

Seven months later, Jiang Guang Ming gave birth to a baby girl. It was unknown whether she was divorced or not, because Xu Kang was there with Jiang Guang Ming’s mother, and the atmosphere was good. Xu Kang took good care of Jiang Guang Ming and the baby. And when Shi Luo came, he also brought a congratulatory gift from Su Zhen Zhen.

On Interlaced Scenes drama ending, after everyone left, Jiang Guang Ming wrote a wish card for her baby. Under the sunlight shining through the window, she mused that when people stop relying on other people’s approval to boost their strength, they will be able to face everyone they meet in life with confidence.

What Happened to Gu Ji Ming on Interlaced Scenes Ending?

Gu Ji Ming was panicked because Tang Xun’s wife called him and told him that she knew about his plagiarism. He went to meet Mrs. Tang and offered 500,000 Yuan to her. Gu Ji Ming did not know that Su Zhen Zhen’s private detective and Shi Luo were following him. In no time, Jiang Guang Ming and Su Zhen Zhen found out about the meeting and the plagiarism.

Interlaced Scenes Ending Explained - What Happened to Gu Ji Ming?
Interlaced Scenes Ending Explained – What Happened to Gu Ji Ming?

Su Zhen Zhen resolved the matter with Tang Xun’s wife by using a passive-aggressive strategy. Gu Ji Ming was embarrassed when he learned that Su Zhen Zhen knew about the plagiarism matter. But she comforted him and assured Gu Ji Ming that the plagiarism was only 2% of his book. In the end, because of Su Zhen Zhen’s intervention, Tang Xun’s wife decided to end the matter.

Gu Ji Ming was consumed with guilt every time He Peng mentioned Jiang Na. He Peng was still looking for the girl and hoped to find her one day. Gu Ji Ming almost wanted to confess that he was once Jiang Na’s boyfriend and the father of her child. However, he never said anything to He Peng.

Since the surveillance camera caught Jiang Na entering the underpass after his car passed by, the police became increasingly suspicious. They summoned Gu Ji Ming for questioning on the day before his wedding. He went and answered the question, but he could hardly avoid questions about Jiang Na.

Since they didn’t have any solid evidence, the police let him go. Gu Ji Ming met Su Zhen Zhen in the parking lot. She was worried about him and decided to pick him up.

On the eve of his wedding, Gu Ji Ming burned some joss papers for Jiang Na. He wished her all the best in the afterlife. He Peng called him and they went to the old rented house for a drink. He Peng was leaving for Xiamen in the morning, so he couldn’t attend Gu Ji Ming’s wedding.

For the first time, He Peng learned that Gu Ji Ming was hiding things from him. Although he remembered Jiang Na back then, Gu Ji Ming never revealed anything about her. Instead, Gu Ji Ming told He Peng that he should have supported him and Jiang Na to be together. He Peng didn’t say anything, but his teary eyes showed his heartache.

On their wedding day, after Gu Ji Ming and Su Zhen Zhen made their vows, the police took him away. Jiang Guang Ming promised Su Zhen Zhen that the arrest would not interfere with the wedding. So they took him away quietly.

At the end, Gu Ji Ming was charged with murder, but he did not admit to the plagiarism. Gu Ji Ming asked Jiang Guang Ming to tell Su Zhen Zhen that back then he tried by all means to meet her for the sake of his unpublished novel. He also asked Jiang Guang Ming to persuade Su Zhen Zhen to abort the child.

What Happened to Su Zhen Zhen on Interlaced Scenes Ending?

Su Zhen Zhen was in a good mood, anticipating her pregnancy and her upcoming wedding. However, the happiness didn’t last long when her assistant reported that the police were investigating Gu Ji Ming. But when she asked him, Gu Ji Ming assured her that he was fine and that it was just a trivial matter.

Interlaced Scenes Ending Explained - What Happened to Su Zhen Zhen?
Interlaced Scenes Ending Explained – What Happened to Su Zhen Zhen?

When Jiang Guang Ming went to the wedding place, Su Zhen Zhen was already wearing her wedding dress. She looked very happy and beautiful. But when Su Zhen Zhen saw Jiang Guang Ming’s expression, her wide smile faded. She made up her mind and asked Jiang Guang Ming for another help. Jiang Guang Ming nodded, and Su Zhen Zhen smiled.

On the aisle, Su Zhen Zhen supported herself with the help of the bridesmaid. Slowly, she stood up and walked towards Gu Ji Ming with the help of a four-legged walker. Gu Ji Ming saw her with tearful eyes and helped her to the ceremony area. The couple looked at each other lovingly and they enthusiastically said, “Yes, I do.”

When it was time for the personal statement, Gu Ji Ming turned off the microphone so that only Su Zhen Zhen could hear him. He stared at her and quoted Shakespeare who said that the guilt of a murderer is easier to hide than the feelings of love. Gu Ji Ming admitted that when he told Su Zhen Zhen that he loved her back then, it was not entirely because of her. However, he had only said yes because of her.

After they kissed, the guests were escorted to the reception room. Jiang Guang Ming and the police officers surrounded the wedding couple. Jiang Guang Ming read Gu Ji Ming his rights before Shi Luo handcuffed his wrist.

Before they left, Jiang Guang Ming covered Gu Ji Ming’s wrist with a bouquet of flowers so that no one could see that the newlywed groom had been arrested by the police. Su Zhen Zhen stared at Gu Ji Ming’s back with tears in her eyes.

Seven months later, Su Zhen Zhen went to the prison to visit Gu Ji Ming. She caressed her pregnant belly, and Gu Ji Ming was stunned to see it. Su Zhen Zhen told him that she wanted to give birth to the baby and that the meeting would be their last.

At the Interlaced Scenes ending, Gu Ji Ming told Su Zhen Zhen that when the baby was born, she should tell him to be a good and upright man. If something unpleasant happens, he shouldn’t be narrow-minded, because things would get better the next day. Gu Ji Ming also said that he was sorry and that Su Zhen Zhen should forget him because he was a sinner.

My Two Cents

I found an eerily similar resemblance between Su Zhen Zhen and Gu Ji Ming. They both like to kiss their lovers’ hands. Their posture and the way they take the hand and put it on their cheek after kissing it are the same. Su Zhen Zhen did it to Gu Ji Ming many times, while Gu Ji Ming did it to Jiang Na.

Meanwhile, my heart goes out to He Peng. He still wanted so much to find Jiang Na. When he said, “If there’s hope, there’s a way,” with a broad smile full of optimism, I felt sad. This young man had no idea that she was dead. I really want to go on the screen and give him a big hug. I might even say, “Poor child…” 😆😆😆

Anyway, dear readers. I hope this Interlaced Scenes ending explained post has helped you. And if you have an opinion about this drama, please feel free to write a comment. We’ll be very happy to read it. You can also check my writing on Interlaced Scenes drama review. That’s all for today. I’ll see you in another post of drama review and ending explanation. Bye bye!

Iya Moyya
Iya Moyya
"A Chinese drama and movie lover for the past 5 years. I contemplate everything, everyday" - Do you like my writing? You can support me by clicking this donation link: Buy Me A Coffee ☕️, thank you!


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