Ending ExplainedThe Tale of Rose Ending Explained

The Tale of Rose Ending Explained

Dear readers, I hope you are doing well. This is the ending explained for Huang Yi Mei’s story in The Tale of Rose. Even though it was ended, I still found the story memorable. Especially Fu Jia Ming’s part. He who was supposed to be brimming with life had to wither slowly. Watching him and Rose on his final days was painful. This article reveals some major spoilers for this drama ending. And if you need in, please proceed. I hope this article will help you in some way. Happy reading (while I sobbed at my desk)! 😭😭

The Tale of Rose Ending Explained

What Happened to Huang Yi Mei (Rose) on The Tale of Rose Ending?

Fu Jia Ming’s death had a huge impact on Rose’s life. She stayed single for 6 years and enjoyed her life to its fullest. She learned to drive a motorcycle and often drove Fu Jia Ming’s precious Triumph motorcycle everywhere.

One day, Tai Chu asked her to go to a flying simulation. They had a good time and Rose got to meet a young and handsome instructor, He Xi. The experience sparks Rose’s interest. She decided to get a pilot license and took a course. He Xi become her instructor. He was impressed by Rose’s good memory and how fast she learned everything.

The Tale of Rose Ending Explained - What Happened to Huang Yi Mei (Rose)
The Tale of Rose Ending Explained – What Happened to Huang Yi Mei (Rose)?

Rose enjoyed her time learning to get her pilot license. When Tai Chu asked her why, Rose answered that learning is fun. Rose told her daughter that once she learns to study, she can learn whatever she wants and study whatever she needs. Then she would be free. Rose also told Tai Chu that she didn’t expect her to know what she didn’t know. But she believes that everything she knew, Tai Chu would also know.

I would not delve into this conversation much longer. It was too studious for me… 😅

Rose’s first flight is quite successful but stressful. He Xi found out that when she was panicking, Rose seemed to have a different personality. He teased her and called Rose with two nicknames: Huang Yi Mei I and Huang Yi Mei II.

Through a conversation, Rose then learned about He Xi’s difficulties and she encouraged him to try another way to success. Her words moved him.

When Fang Xie Wen picked her up at the training ground, Rose could sense his jealousy and controlling tendencies. He even asked whether He Xi likes her or not. Rose told Fang Xie Wen that He Xi is quite cute, handsome, determined, and serious like Fang Xie Wen.

But He Xi hasn’t confessed to her yet so if Fang Xie Wen was curious, he could ask He Xi by himself. Rose teased him by saying that she might accept He Xi and also might not accept him. Her decision is not Fang Xie Wen’s business. Rose’s answer made Fang Xie Wen feel uneasy.

Rose encourages He Xi to pursue his dream without any fear. He Xi applied for his CAAC pilot license once again and had to leave the country. On his departure day, Rose went to the airport to send him away. He gave her a gift, a handmade steel rose. He Xi almost confessed and promised to be with her, but Rose stopped him. She did not want him to make any promises about the future. He had his place to go, and so did she. They hugged and he kissed her temple.

At The Tale of Rose drama ending, Rose saw him leave before turning back and going back into her life where she is her own master.

What Happened to Huang Zhen Hua on The Tale of Rose Ending?

Huang Zhen Hua had been living a worry-free life since he married Su Geng Sheng. They had a son who was full of energy and determination (a perfect mix from both sides 😁). They had recently moved to a good neighborhood for their son’s education.

The Tale of Rose Ending Explained - What Happened to Huang Zhen Hua
The Tale of Rose Ending Explained – What Happened to Huang Zhen Hua?

His peaceful life was ruined when Zhou Shi Hui reported that he saw Su Geng Sheng having dinner with a man. He also saw her getting out of another man’s car and it made him super jealous. After their son blurted that his father was following that man’s car, Huang Zhen Hua found out the identity of the other man.

It turned out that he was Su Geng Sheng’s ex-husband, Peng Song Tao. Huang Zhen Hua felt a sense of danger. His confidence was shaken. When he was waiting for a dinner date with Su Geng Sheng and Peng Song Tao, Huang Zhen Hua suddenly had an idea to do a workout and ended up with a sprained back…😂

After Su Geng Sheng scolded him for being a slacker, Huang Zhen Hua finally got his senses back and realized he was being petty. The first thing he did was to take care of his company.

Huang Zhen Hua started to collect debts from companies that owed him money. He also started thinking about ways to make more money for the company. Huang Zhen Hua was back to his old self. A man who is full of energy and love for his family.

What Happened to Su Geng Sheng on The Tale of Rose Ending?

Su Geng Sheng used to be cold and detached, but she’s become livelier and more easy going since marrying Huang Zhen Hua. Being a mother of an adorable son brings out her feminine charm. She still works in Cyan Art Gallery but is rarely seen doing exercise (but her body is still as stunning as ever 😅).

The Tale of Rose Ending Explained - What Happened to Su Geng Sheng
The Tale of Rose Ending Explained – What Happened to Su Geng Sheng?

Su Geng Sheng sensed that Huang Zhen Hua was jealous of Peng Song Tao. She explained that the reason why she met him was because Peng Song Tao owned a house under their names and now, he wants to sell it.

Su Geng Sheng was happy to help because she would have extra money in her bank account. All this time, Su Geng Sheng never told Huang Zhen Hua that they needed more money because the house their living in right now is expensive and they also had to prepare for their son’s tuition.

Huang Zhen Hua said that she was too anxious about money. Su Geng Sheng refuted this and told him that she was anxious about his state. Su Geng Sheng saw that her husband had been lazier and slacker for the last two years. Even Mrs. Huang also could see it. So, she had been covering for him in front of his mother. Su Geng Sheng’s harsh words wake him up.

Because of her words, Huang Zhen Hua improved, and Su Geng Sheng was happy about it. On a school gathering day, they talked about their future. At the ending, Su Geng Sheng asked their son to help his father run 5 km a day so he could stay fit, and they could live together longer.

What Happened to Zhuang Guo Dong (Eric) on The Tale of Rose Ending?

At the ending, Zhuang Guo Dong returned to China after Rose got divorced. He met her when she was inspecting the renovation of the art gallery renovation with Fu Jia Min. Rose told him that after all these years, Zhuang Guo Dong still didn’t understand why they broke up in the first place. He asked for another chance and got rejected again.

The Tale of Rose Ending Explained - What Happened to Zhuang Guo Dong (Eric)
The Tale of Rose Ending Explained – What Happened to Zhuang Guo Dong (Eric)?

He bought a new apartment for his father and was amazed at how the old man kept his old paper works from his school years. After a heartfelt conversation with his father, Zhuang Guo Dong finally realized that he had overlooked Rose’s feelings.

To apologize to her, he treats Rose to a clam dish in a French restaurant. She had wanted to eat them in Paris, but he told her that it would take too long. When Man Man Gallery held its grand opening, Zhuang Guo Dong sent her a flower bouquet.

Yet, Rose was not there because Tai Chu was ill. She called, and Zhuang Guo Dong learned he’d never get another chance to be with her. Zhuang Guo Dong returned to France after helping his father move.

Years after Fu Jia Ming’s death, Zhuang Guo Dong still loves her. He met her at the art gallery and saw in awe when Rose drove her motorcycle away.

What Happened to Fang Xie Wen on The Tale of Rose Ending?

Fang Xie Wen’s changed his mind after he was hospitalized for alcohol poisoning. It was Rose who took him to the hospital. She told Fang Xie Wen that even though he was no longer her husband, he would still be her family and Tai Chu’s father.

The Tale of Rose Ending Explained - What Happened to Fang Xie Wen
The Tale of Rose Ending Explained – What Happened to Fang Xie Wen?

Fang Xie Wen cried after telling Rose that they would get a divorce certificate after he was discharged. When his ex-wife and daughter were packing, Fang Xie Wen watched them with sadness.

When another man named Fu Jia Ming appeared in Rose and Tai Chu’s life, Fang Xie Wen was jealous. He tried to get Rose to return to Shanghai by threatening her with Tai Chu’s custody. But then Rose came with an offer to renegotiate the custody, and he relented.

Well, I still thought that he relented not because of the renegotiation offer, but because of Fu Jia Ming’s bad condition.

Fang Xie Wen, Rose, and Tai Chu lived a peaceful life for six years. He bought a new apartment for Tai Chu and was going to give Rose a key, but she refused. However, the peaceful day is finally over when he learns that Rose seems to fall for a young man named He Xi. He went to pick her up at the training facilities with his fancy car and gave He Xi a meaningful look.

On his birthday, Fang Xie Wen celebrates it with Tai Chu. He cooks and then invites Rose. When Rose and Tai Chu were busy in the kitchen cooking a birthday noodle for him, Fang Xie Wen felt an indescribable feeling. He proposes again to Rose, but she (who understands very well that Fang Xie Wen still has a possessive and controlling personality) refuses it outright.

At the Tale of Rose ending, Fang Xie Wen asked Rose, a question that had been on his mind for years. He wanted to know whether they were together because at that time Rose was at the lowest point in her life. He felt that Rose just passively accepting him. Rose cut his words and told Fang Xie Wen that she loved him, but their fate had ended. Fang Xie Wen could only be lamenting his fate.

Yes, my girl didn’t fall for his sweet words..😉

What Happened to Fu Jia Ming on The Tale of Rose Ending?

Fu Jia Ming fainted during Fu Jia Min’s wedding. He was taken to the hospital and for the first time, Rose learned about his congenital heart condition.

The Tale of Rose Ending Explained - What Happened to Fu Jia Ming
The Tale of Rose Ending Explained – What Happened to Fu Jia Ming?

The doctor said that Fu Jia Ming could die at any time, and the verdict shattered Rose’s hopes. She was afraid that he would leave her. Even seeing Fu Jia Ming in a deep sleep scared her. However, Fu Jia Ming had long accepted his fate. He even planned to give his most precious piano to Tai Chu.

Fu Jia Ming told Rose that someday, she would forget him and move on. Because in the future she would meet many people and fall in love. She might get married again and Tai Chu would grow up.

Rose learned that Fu Jia Ming always wanted to climb a mountain to hear the wind at the mountaintop. Rose made it happen. With the help of Fu Jia Min and his wife, Rose took Fu Jia Ming on a hiking trip. It’s a long trip but Fu Jia Ming was excited.

During the hike, Fu Jia Ming told his brother, sister-in-law, and Rose that he had registered for a body donation. He wanted his body to be useful and also wanted Fu Jia Min to remember him as he was when he was alive and not a pile of ashes. Fu Jia Ming’s decision upset everyone. However, he believes that Rose will understand him and persuade Fu Jia Min to accept his decision.

The weather changes during the hike. Rose and Fu Jia Ming have to take shelter in the rain. Rose was upset because the weather ruined her plan. She was afraid if they did not make it, they would not have another chance. Fu Jia Ming told her that the climb was their farewell. Rose had to forget him afterward and learned to accept his death. They quarreled and ended up separated.

However, they met again at the top. The rain had stopped and the sun was shining. Fu Jia Ming was ghastly pale and weak while Rose’s tears were streaming down her cheek. They sat next to each other while watching the sunset. Fu Jia Ming leaned his body towards her and closed his eyes.

After his death, Rose also registered for a body donation and hoped that someday Tai Chu would understand her decision. Rose hoped that Tai Chu would find someone like Fu Jia Ming. A person who brought the whole world to her.

What Happened to He Xi on The Tale of Rose Ending?

At the ending, He Xi was impressed by Rose since the first time they met. Her beauty was indeed captivating, but the impression got deeper when he learned that Rose was also a fast learner and very smart. They got closer when helped Rose with her stalled motorcycle. He even secretly took her photo.

The Tale of Rose Ending Explained - What Happened to He Xi
The Tale of Rose Ending Explained – What Happened to He Xi?

He Xi’s determination to get a CAAC license wavered after the call from the training center. They said that they couldn’t revoke He Xi’s warning and ruled him unqualified. Therefore, he could not proceed with further training and assessment. The company where he worked received the result and cancelled his qualifications and would not pay for further training fees. He Xi wanted to pay for his own tuition, but it was exorbitantly high.

When he talks about it to Rose, he regrets the momentary impulse that ruined his whole life. But Rose encouraged him to try again. She said that when he gets older, He Xi would think the setbacks were not a big deal. Besides life and death, nothing is a big deal.

After so much thought, He Xi decided to re-apply for a CAAC license. But he hasn’t called the company yet, because he was afraid that they would reject him due to his tainted records.

That afternoon, He Xi got to catch a glimpse of the jealous Fang Xie Wen. He shows off his presence by picking up Rose at the training ground. When He Xi learns that Fang Xie Wen is Rose’s ex-husband, the gloominess in his face is swept away.

Later, Rose sends him encouraging words. Telling that facing fast failure is not that scary because everybody experiences failures well. Her words moved him, and he decided to move on and be brave.

My Two Cents

I didn’t quite grasp Rose’s feelings for He Xi. Did she like him or not? However, she had high hopes for him. Rose thought that He Xi had a promising future, and she did not want him to ruin it with romantic affairs and promises.

My heart still aches for Fu Jia Ming and how heartbroken Rose was. But she managed to move on and loved him the best way she could: by living her life like he lived his.

I was sobbing a lot when I wrote this The Tale of Rose ending explained post. Everything ended up sadly. And only after a bucket of tears, I managed to finish this post. I hope my dear readers will find this The Tale of Rose ending explained post helpful. You can read the review at The Tale of Rose drama review. Thank you for stopping by, dear readers. I’ll see you in another post of Drama Review and Ending Explained. Goodbye!

Iya Moyya
Iya Moyya
"A Chinese drama and movie lover for the past 5 years. I contemplate everything, everyday" - Do you like my writing? You can support me by clicking this donation link: Buy Me A Coffee ☕️, thank you!


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