Ending ExplainedTo The Wonder Ending Explained

To The Wonder Ending Explained

Dear readers, after I wrote To The Wonder drama review last week, right now I post the ending of To the Wonder drama. This post explains what happened to Li Wen Xiu and Batay at the end of the drama. Will they get together? Or will they end up with someone else? Or will they live the life they wanted to live? Don’t worry, I’m here to the rescue. So, without further ado, let’s get started. Happy reading!

To The Wonder Ending Explained

What Happened to Li Wen Xiu in To The Wonder Ending?

Li Wen Xiu realized she didn’t have to go to Beijing to be a writer. She felt her writing had improved since she lived in Altay. When Batay confessed he liked her but couldn’t go to Beijing with her, she felt her heart move. Li Wen Xiu said she could live on the ranch with him. They’ve been together ever since.

Li Wen Xiu didn’t believe in Gao Xiao Liang after he swindled her severance money. She tried to warn Zhang Feng Xia, but she didn’t take her words seriously.

To The Wonder ending explained - What Happened to Li Wen Xiu
To The Wonder ending explained – What Happened to Li Wen Xiu?

On Eid al-Adha, Batay took Li Wen Xiu on a horse ride to the race. Everyone was dressed up. Li Wen Xiu was happy and enjoyed the festivities.

Gao Xiao Liang passed by their stall. Grandma saw that he wore her green jade pendant. Li Wen Xiu was angry. She wanted to chase Gao Xiao Liang, but Zhang Feng Xia stopped her. Li Wen Xiu was dissatisfied with her mother’s actions. She jumped into Snowshoe’s back and chased after him. Li Wen Xiu caught Gao Xiao Liang when he was doing a transaction with the caterpillar fungus’s buyer. She called him a freeloader and forced Gao Xiao Liang to take off the jade pendant. It was for naught.

Gao Liang got angry. They were fighting and Li Wen Xiu lost because she was smaller and weaker. Li Wen Xiu and Gao Xiao Ling didn’t know Zhang Feng Xia saw her daughter in danger and rushed to them.

Zhang Feng Xia threatened Gao Xiao Liang with the rifle. She hit his head with the rifle and the men who watched the fight laughed at Gao Xiao Liang, making him feel as if he lost his reputation. Gao Xiao Liang chased after Li Wen Xiu and Zhang Feng Xia, intending to grab the rifle.

Zhang Feng Xia and Gao Xiao Liang started tugging. Zhang Feng Xia fell off Snowshoe but she struggled to keep the rifle. The gun was accidentally fired, startling Snowshoe and it ran uncontrollably. Zhang Feng Xia was scared when she saw Li Wen Xiu still at its back. The police came and Gao Xiao Liang was detained. The man and his accomplice were also detained.

Batay tried to catch Snowshoe, but it was too fast for his horse. Li Wen Xiu fell off the Snowshoe and was dragged along at a fast pace because her leg was tangled by the horse harness. Her back felt burned and her face was injured. Batay had no choice but to kill Snowshoe. Li Wen Xiu cried and cried when she saw its blood on him.

After the incident, Batay disappeared. He never came back to Li Wen Xiu for years.

Li Wen Xiu’s arm was broken, and it took time to recover. After she got better, she went to Burqin to find Batay. Li Wen Xiu wanted to apologize to him for the Snowshoe incident. But she only found the stable owner, but Batay was not there. He went to another town to study. The stable owner told her that Batay loves Snowshoe more than she thinks.

Li Wen Xiu got another call from the publisher. This time, her mother got the call. Li Wen Xiu started working at the publishing house. She has gone to many places since, going to Beijing and experiencing many things. Li Wen Xiu wrote all her experience and feelings into her first book. Years later, she finally returned to the village.

Li Wen Xiu went back to the village on New Year’s Eve. She brought fireworks with her. On New Year’s Eve, they invited some people to watch it together, including Sulitan. When the last firework exploded, she saw a black figure emerge from the darkness. He finally came back.

What Happened to Batay in To The Wonder Ending?

Batay was in a dilemma. He wanted to be with Li Wen Xiu, but his father strongly refused, saying that Li Wen Xiu belonged to the greater world. She would not stay at the grassland and went to chase her dream.

On the other hand, Batay also wanted to chase his dream as a horse trainer, but he was obliged to help his father, especially after Tokan remarried and took her children away. When he heard that Li Wen Xiu was willing to stay with him in the grasslands, Batay could not hide his happiness.

To The Wonder ending explained - What Happened to Batay
To The Wonder ending explained – What Happened to Batay?

On Eid al-Adha, Sulitan dressed up splendidly and took his gun to the race track. The village chief acted as a mediator between him and Batay, but the peace talks failed before they began. But although he looked sullen and cold, Sulitan was not a man without a heart, so he went up to Batay and asked him to give his rifle to the village chief. Batay was shocked. The gun is his most precious possession.

Sulitan took off his hat and apologized for the slap. He said he felt bad because the life he had was slowly disappearing. Sulitan could no longer hunt, he could no longer keep his eagles, and the government confiscated his gun.

People stopped using the Fairy Cove trail and chose the highway. And his own son refused to be a herder like him. He told Batay that he had figured things out. Sulitan would not oppose his feelings for the person Batay loved, and he would sell half of his sheep and horses so that he could take care of them himself.

Sulitan’s words moved Batay’s heart. The heavy stone in his heart finally disappeared. He went to the archery competition with a big smile on his face. But in the middle of the competition, he saw Gao Xiao Liang on his motorcycle chasing after Li Wen Xiu and Snowshoe. He rushed over to them. Batay saw Li Wen Xiu fall off his back and get dragged on the grass.

Snowshoe is a racehorse, it could run very fast. Because it was startled before, Snowshoe was uncontrollable. As she was dragged along at high speed, sparks began to appear due to the friction between Li Wen Xiu’s body and the grass.

Batay had no choice but to stop Snowshoe. He pulled the bowstring and aimed at Snowshoe. The arrow pierced its neck and stopped the horse in an instant. Seeing his friend in pain, Batay had to put Snowshoe out of its suffering. Batay took his knife and killed it.

The Kazakh people considered their horses to be their friends. And when a horse died, they would take its head and put it in the highest place to honor it.

Batay’s heart broke when he had to kill the horse. He cried out in pain as he held Snowshoe’s head and took it away. Batay left for the stable in Burqin and never returned to the village for years.

Sulitan sold half of his horses and sheep and went to live at the mountain ranch alone, while Tokan went to the county seat after remarrying Chaoge.

Batay did not see Li Wen Xiu when she came to the stable. He went to another town to study and fulfill his remaining contract at the stable. And after years, he returns to the village on New Year’s. On horseback. Just like his father did when he went to Burqin to pick him up.

What Happened to Zhang Feng Xia in To The Wonder Ending?

Zhang Feng Xia began to feel that she had become confused. She complained to Gao Xiao Liang that she could no longer understand Kazakh. He advised Zhang Feng Xia to move to the city. They should take Grandma with them, but Li Wen Xia did not have to go because Gao Xiao Liang said that a bird must leave the nest eventually.

To The Wonder ending explained - What Happened to Zhang Feng Xia
To The Wonder ending explained – What Happened to Zhang Feng Xia?

NOOOOOOO! Gao Xiao Liang is evil. He wanted to have a comfortable life by relying on a woman.😫

Zhang Feng Xia did not believe when Li Wen Xiu told her how Gao Xiao Liang cheated her out of her severance pay when she was fired. And now that Grandma’s green pendant was missing, Zhang Feng Xia still did not believe it.

Things got complicated when the village chief and the patrolman told Zhang Feng Xia that someone was digging holes in the grass to look for caterpillar fungus.

The fungus could be sold as a fake version of the Tibetan caterpillar fungus. Those who did not know the difference would pay a lot of money because the Tibetan caterpillar fungus was famous for its medicinal value. Zhang Fei Xiang did not want to believe when the patrolman said that it was Gao Xiao Liang who had dug the holes. However, her faith in Gao Xiao Liang began to waver.

Gao Xiao Liang had been helping Zhang Feng Xia to collect ear mushrooms. After drying all the mushrooms and making the black soaps, Gao Xiao Liang took them all to the county seat to sell them. He met a dubious man who offered him 10,000 yuan for one kilogram of caterpillar fungus. He was tempted and agreed.

Gao Xiao Liang never went back to the village. Zhang Fei Xiang had been waiting for a long time before she realized that Gao Xiao Liang had run away with her money.

On the Eid al-Adha holiday, Zhang Feng Xia took her family to the festival and opened a small stall to sell goods. Meanwhile, Gao Xiao Liang also came to the market. He put up an announcement that he would buy caterpillar fungus from the local people.

Chaoge, the patrolman warned him because Gao Xiao Liang would incite the locals to dig holes and ruin the grassland. He justifiably said that he only sold the mushroom to the buyer and not the one who ruined the grassland.

Li Wen Xiu, Zhang Feng Xia, and Grandma saw Gao Xiao Liang pass by their stall. Grandma immediately recognized the green jade pendant on Gao Xiao Liang’s neck. Li Wen Xiu wanted to teach him a lesson, but Zhang Feng Xia stopped her. But that did not stop her. Li Wen Xiu jumped on Snowshoe’s back and chased after him.

During his disappearance, Gao Xiao Liang collected caterpillar fungus. After he managed to collect 1 kg of caterpillar fungus, Gao Xiao Liang went to see the dubious man. However, the man refused to pay 10,000 yuan and was only willing to pay 1,000 yuan.

This made Gao Xiao Liang angry. But he relented when he saw that the dubious man was attracted to Grandma’s green pendant. While they were haggling over the price, Li Wen Xiu appeared and forced him to take off Grandma’s pendant.

Zhang Feng Xia saw them fighting and stopped Gao Xiao Liang from hurting her daughter. That shameless man still refused to admit his mistake. He said that he wanted to sell Grandma’s jade to take Zhang Feng Xia away from the grassland. He also denied the accusation that he had ruined the grassland. Zhang Fen Xia finally realized what kind of person Gao Xiao Liang was.

The dubious buyer and his accomplice laughed at Gao Xiao Liang. He got angry and ran after Zhang Feng Xia and Li Wen Xiu who were riding on Snowshoe. Gao Xiao Liang tried to grab Zhang Feng Xia’s rifle. They both fell to the ground. The rifle exploded and the sound of gunfire startled Snowshoe. It ran as fast as it could. Zhang Feng Xia panicked when she saw that her daughter was still on the horse.

When Zhang Feng Xia saw her daughter lying on the ground, she rushed over to Li Wen Xiu. They watched Batay kill Snowshoe. Zhang Feng Xia held Li Wen Xiu tightly. She wanted to protect Li Wen Xiu from the painful moment. Her heart broke for her daughter when she heard her crying sadly.

After the incident, Zhang Feng Xia and Grandma have stayed in the village for years, running the provision store. For Li Wen Xiu, the world is constantly changing. But her mother remains the same.

My Two Cents

It broke my heart when I saw Batay and Snowshoe. The director made all the screed red to describe how bloody the scene was. thankfully there were no gruesome scenes in this drama, which was good because I already struggle to keep my emotions at bay. I was not 100% satisfied with the ending because I wanted to see a happy ending instead of an open ending.

All in all, watching To The Wonder was a very entertaining experience for me. I like this drama and all the characters (except Gao Xiao Liang). I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. That’s all from me, dear readers. See you next time. Goodbye!!

Iya Moyya
Iya Moyya
"A Chinese drama and movie lover for the past 5 years. I contemplate everything, everyday" - Do you like my writing? You can support me by clicking this donation link: Buy Me A Coffee ☕️, thank you!


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