Ending ExplainedThe Best Day of My Life Ending Explained

The Best Day of My Life Ending Explained

The Best Day of My Life is a short romantic drama with only 14 episodes. Have you started watching it? I am sure that if you found this The Best Day of My Life ending explained post, you must have already watched some of its episodes. And to satisfy your curiosity, here is the Ending Explained of The Best Day of My Life drama. Happy reading!

The Best Day of My Life Ending Explained

What Happened with Xu Mu on The Best Day of My Life Drama Ending?

Xu Mu was jealous of Qiao Nan’s relationship with Xie Shi. They grew up together, and people called them childhood sweethearts. During a trip, one of Xie Shi’s college friends said that Xie Shi had been fond of someone for a long time, but he was rejected by her. However, before they could resolve the issues, an earthquake struck. Adding even more to the misunderstanding between them.

Stifled by her own feelings and her belief that Qiao Nan was the one Xie Shi really loved, Xu Mu decided to end their relationship. Xu Mu moved out of the apartment and went to live with Song Nian Nian. Although Xu Mu said that she was fine with the breakup, people could see that she was depressed.

The Best Day of My Life Ending Explained - What Happened with Xu Mu?
The Best Day of My Life Ending Explained – What Happened with Xu Mu?

Zhang Yao invited her to a movie, but she unintentionally made it clear that Xu Mu only saw him as an idol and a friend. Song Nian Nian told her that it was a confession, but Xu Mu didn’t agree. After Xu Mu’s mother found out about the breakup, she started arranging blind dates for her daughter.

Xu Mu was reluctant, but when she heard that a director from LIKE was getting engaged, she agreed. Xu Mu was shocked to find that her blind date at the arranged time and place was Xie Shi.

Xu Mu thought that Xie Shi was there to find another fake partner. She decided to leave, but then he challenged her to get married the next day. Xu Mu always said that it didn’t matter who she married, so she accepted the so-called proposal.

After getting married, another thing she has to think about is living together. This time, Xu Mu and Xie Shi are a legally married couple and no longer roommates. The first night was an awkward situation, but they managed to get through it by sleeping in different rooms.

Meanwhile, the heartbroken Zhang Yao decided to sell all his paintings for a good reason and kept only one: the painting of a girl under the orange umbrella.

Poor Zhang Yao, he obviously deserved more screen time. But at least his ending was better than Qiao Nan’s, who disappeared and never returned. There is no explanation for her either 😆.

Their relationship reached another level when they unexpectedly had to sleep in the same bed. Xu Mu learned more about Xie Shi after seeing Xie Shi’s abusive father. Through Xie Shi’s aunt, Xu Mu learned about Xie Shi’s miserable past. Later, Xie Shi also told her about their past that she didn’t know existed. It turns out that Xu Mu and Xie Shi had crossed paths before they met in class. At that time, Xie Shi was instantly attracted to her.

When they met again in class and became classmates, Xie Shi did a lot for her improvement without her noticing, including writing a confession for her. Unfortunately, Xu Mu never saw his letter. After hearing the whole story from Xie Shi, Xu Mu decided to declare her love to Xie Shi, and they shared a kiss.

On spring break, Xu Mu returned to her parents’ house. Xie Shi didn’t join her because he had to accompany his aunt. Who would have thought that he would suddenly show up on the first day of the New Year.

At the ending, Xu Mu, Xie Shi and her parents took a new family photo. Xie Shi also surprised her by proposing to her. He took out a ring, got down on one knee, and asked her to marry him. One more time.

What Happened with Xie Shi / Jiang Zhuang on The Best Day of My Life Drama Ending?

While Xu Mu is jealous of Qiao Nan, Xie Shi also feels threatened by Zhang Yao’s existence. When an earthquake hit the place where Xu Mu is staying, he was worried about her and went to see her. Before he could reach Xu Mu, Xie Shi was preoccupied with Qiao Nan’s injuries. When he turned around, he only saw Zhuang Yao and Xu Mu together.

The Best Day of My Life Ending Explained - What Happened with Xie Shi / Jiang Zhuang?
The Best Day of My Life Ending Explained – What Happened with Xie Shi / Jiang Zhuang?

When Xu Mu asked him to end their love contract, Xie Shi didn’t say anything about his feelings. Instead, he agreed to it because he thought that their agreement was a burden to Xu Mu. So the two of them parted ways in the cold night.

Xie Shi wanted to meet Xu Mu, but suddenly he had to go abroad for work. While he was abroad, Xu Mu heard a rumor that one of the directors of LIKE got engaged. She thought that the director was Xie Shi (Jiang Zhuang) because she misheard the director’s name, but the one who got engaged is Director Chiang, not Director Jiang (Xie Shi). When Shen Yi made a video call, he noticed Xu Mu’s dejected look, and it made him wonder.

Later, Xie Shi met Xu Mu again on a blind date. It was his arrangement, because Xu Mu was shocked to see him, but Xie Shi was calm. But when Xu Mu decided to leave, he challenged her to marry him the next day.

Xie Shi and Xu Mu really got married. Their co-workers found out about it, and they were all thrilled.

Xie Shi’s past is revealed when Xie Shi’s father appears and asks for money. He threatened Xie Shi with his late mother’s belongings, so Xie Shi had no choice but to give him the money. Xu Mu witnessed them in the parking lot. To get more information, she called Xie Shi’s aunt, who explained everything.

Mr. Xie is a gambler. He often yelled at and beaten Xie Shi and his mother. The abuse became worse, and he even broke Xie Shi’s right wrist. At that time, Xie Shi’s mother was sick, and he had no one to take care of him. Xie Shi is a proud person, so he learns to use his left hand, making him ambidextrous.

Later, Xie Shi’s mother died, and Xie Shi was forced to change schools frequently. Xu Mu was heartbroken for Xie Shi and decided that she would try to be a good family for him.

After Xu Mu found out about his past, Xie Shi decided to tell her everything. He told her that they met long before they met in class. Xie Shi fell in love with her at first sight. Xie Shi used to confess to her.

Unfortunately, Xu Mu didn’t see his note, which made Xie Shi think that he was rejected. Coincidentally, Xie Shi went abroad the next day.

Xie Shi took Xu Mu to his old house after his father was arrested by the police for gambling. Xu Mu saw a photo album and looked at a familiar photo. It turned out that she had met Xie Shi’s mother by chance. Xie Shi’s regret that his mother could never see Xu Mu disappeared immediately after he heard the story from the next door Aunty.

In the end, Xie Shi had the chance to propose to Xu Mu again during spring break. This time, he did it because they were in love with each other.

What Happened with Shen Yi and Song Nian Nian on The Best Day of My Life Drama Ending?

Song Nian Nian and Shen Yi are still in the honeymoon phase. They even celebrated their 15th days as a couple. But the celebration made Xu Mu and Xie Shi grow apart because Qiao Nan and her friend came.

The Best Day of My Life Ending Explained - What Happened with Shen Yi and Song Nian Nian?
The Best Day of My Life Ending Explained – What Happened with Shen Yi and Song Nian Nian?

Finally, after endless hard work, Nicole is on the market. Shen Yi, Song Nian Nian and Xu Mu celebrate with a small party with pizza and soda. Xie Shi wasn’t there because he was abroad.

(“Shoot! I want pizza too!”) 🥺

Song Nian Nian’s mother was sick and had to be hospitalized. When her father called to tell her, Song Nian Nian was shocked. Luckily, Shen Yi was there to help her. During that difficult time, Shen Yi showed a different side of himself.

Since Song Nian Nian spent most of her time in the hospital, he took care of the house and cooked for Song Nian Nian and her mother. He also helped her with her work. Song Nian Nian was so moved by Shen Yi’s actions that she asked him to marry her.

However, since the proposal, Song Nian Nian and Shen Yi’s relationship suffered setbacks. As a result, Song Nian Nian stayed at Xie Shi’s apartment and became an obstacle to Xu Mu and Xie Shi’s intimacy.

At the ending, So Xu Mu and Xie Shi became a mediator in their dispute. It didn’t take long for them to reconcile and finally get married.

What Happened Six Years Later on The Best Day of My Life Drama Ending?

Shen Yi and Song Nian Nian already have a son. Unlike his parents, Huang Huang loves math very much, and only his godfather, Xie Shi, could explain math problems to him. Xu Mu and Xie Shi didn’t have any children because Xu Mu thought that Xie Shi didn’t want children.

The Best Day of My Life Ending Explained - What Happened Six Years Later?
The Best Day of My Life Ending Explained – What Happened Six Years Later?

Meanwhile, Xie Shi believed that it was Xu Mu who had to make a decision because a child would change her life greatly. They were able to settle the matter after Shen Yi and Song Nian Nian left Huang Huang under their care because they were going on a trip.

At The Best Day of My life ending, sometime after their discussion, Xu Mu became pregnant, and Xie Shi was over the moon. Later, the baby turned out to be a son. Xie Shi and Xu Mu named him Jiang Yu Le, but Xu Mu always called him Man Man.

My Musing

This seemed to be the shortest Ending Explained post I ever wrote. The arc of Best Day of My Life drama was simple (I also wrote The Best of My Life drama review, if you want to know the detail about it), and the ending was too rushed. So there wasn’t much I could say in this Best Day of My Life ending explained post.

Oh, by the way, let me comment on a scene that I think is too far-fetched. The sight of Zhuang Yao walking down the rainy street with an umbrella in one hand and painting on the other is ridiculous. An artist would not take his important artwork out in the rain. Especially if it was a big painting and he only had a small umbrella. It made a good visual, but that was all.

So, do you feel the same way I do? Don’t forget to write your comment on this drama. We’d love to hear from you. I’ll see you in another post of the drama review and ending explained. Ciao!

Iya Moyya
Iya Moyya
"A Chinese drama and movie lover for the past 5 years. I contemplate everything, everyday" - Do you like my writing? You can support me by clicking this donation link: Buy Me A Coffee ☕️, thank you!


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