"It was not only an animal movie, it had human relationships as its theme. "

Adoring Movie Review

  • Title: Adoring
  • Also Known As: 宠, Pet , Chong Ai
  • Director: Larry Yang
  • Screenwriter: Ran Jia Nan
  • Genres: Comedy, Romance, Drama
  • Country: China
  • Type: Movie
  • Release Date: Dec 31, 2019
  • Duration: 1 hr. 48 min

Adoring Synopsis

Adoring was Chinese comedy movie, released in 2019. The story was about Chen Le Yu and Jiang Nan, who were childhood friends. They go to the same junior high school. Six months ago, Le Yun turned blind because of a disease. Since then, Nan has always helped him by waking up early and walking him to school accompanied by her dog, Zha. But the harmony didn’t last for long. Things went awry when Nan’s parents decided to move their home.

An Ying is a mysophobic illustrator. She secretly has a crush on Luo Hua, who lives in the same building as her. When they finally got to know each other, Luo Hua asked for her help to take care of a kitten that they found together.

Gao Ming is a single father. His daughter lives with her mother in the USA. All this time, Gao Ming was taking care of his daughter’s cat, Hulu. One day, Meng Meng went on vacation in China with his mother. She decided to take Hulu back with her to the USA.

Li Xiang has a hard time choosing which one is more important. His girlfriend, Fei Fei, or his pet pig, Bell. When he decided to take his relationship to the next level, he wasn’t prepared for the fact that Fei Fei hated Bell.

Fang Xin has just got married to her lover, Zhao Yue. As newlyweds, they are just about to start a passionate marriage life. But every time they try to get intimate, a Rotweiller named Seven always got in their way.

Ah De works as a restaurant delivery man. One day, a smart terrier helped him to find the address. Since then, he has tried to make friends with the stray dog.

Every person and every life has its own problem. What will they do if things don’t go as they planned?

Adoring Review

Adoring is an Chinese movie that ensemble stories about 12 person with different kind of relationships between them, but one thing that bind them is their interaction with their pets. You’ll get to see a terrier, golden retriever, rotweiller, adult cat, kitten, and a pig.. yep, you didnt’ read it wrong. It is a pig 🐷…

Adoring was packed with famous actors. Some of them were familiar faces for me. You’ll meet them in some of Cdrama review that I wrote before on this Cnovelholic.com site.

The Father and The Cat

Gao Ming, a single father of a daughter named Meng Meng. He was divorced when Meng Meng was 9 years old. Her relationship with Gao Ming is somehow restrained, because Gao Ming was clueless about raising a daughter. Meng Meng lives with her mother in USA. While Gao Ming stays in China and take care of Meng Meng’s cat. The cat has two names. Gao Ming call her Hulu, while Meng Meng call her Angela. Hulu/Angela is a sweet tempered cat. A very obedient one. I would like to have a cat just like her.. compared to her, my cats was born from hell 🤯🤯🤯

Adoring - gao ming

Gao Ming was played beautifully by the renowned Yu He Wei. I saw him before at my favorite Rebel Princess as the evil prime minister/cunning father. But here in Adoring, he plays as a clueless father who try every possible way to keep the cat from being taken away by her daughter. He actually didnt do it because he wants to keep the cat, yet he afraid that Meng Meng wouldn’t call him again of the cat was not with him. He didnt seem to be a cat person, but he treat Hulu very well..

The Dog Between Us

This is the most hillarious story for me. Willian Chan and Elaine Zhong played as a newlywed couple, Zhao Yue and Fang Xin. As a newlywed, their relationship were in the stage of passionate love. They always flirting with each other and being lovey dovey all along. But everytime they were starting to get intimate, an old Rotweiller named Seven always come and ruin the atmosphere.

Adoring - zhao yue

Seven belong to Fang Xin. He was a good dog  and always by her side since Fang Xin’s was a  teenager. His main job is to guard her, including from bad guys who wants to take advantage of her. He was a jealous and posessive dog..😆

Too bad for Zhao Yue.. he must hold his desire well because Seven would show up in a critical moments..🤣🤣

Aside from Seven’s jealousy an posessiveness, Zhao Yue was trying hard to get Seven’s approval. I like him because he was not jealous of fang Xin’s attention for Seven. Well, he might be a little irritated but he know the importance of Seven to her and he love he sooo much, that all the attention was insignificant for him. I adore him for that.. plus, lately I have grown fond of Willian Chan…😁

This is my first time to see Elaine Zhong’s acting. She was soooo cute and flirty and incredibly beautiful. She makes a perfect couple with William Chan. They were silly and sweet at the same time.

Please, Show Me The Way

Woahh.. It’s Leo Wu and Zhang Zi Feng, again! They were so perfect together in Upcoming Summer movie, I have never thought that they were already act together before. Adoring is their first movie and  they already had a good chemsitry between them. I can feel the warmth of frienship, and also a slight of puppy love. I’m expecting them to make another movie in the future… that would be awesome.

Chen Le Yun is a model student who was higly achieved in academics as well as  a talented  fencing athlete. But due to disease, he lost his sight and become blind. Le yun must start over again when he had to learn braille and cope with his frustration. Her mother tried everything to help him recovered his spirit, but not to avail. Her only hope is Le Yun’s childhood friend Jiang Nan.

Jiang Nan is a bubbly girl, who compared to Le Yun was lacking in academic field. She was a mediocre student with a height phobia. But Nan is an optimistic girl and she was sincere of wanting to help her friend. Le Yun and Nan’s house was not far away from each other, hence every day Nan wakes up early to pick Le Yun up from his house. They would go to school by foot, accompanied by Nan’s golden retriever, Zha.

Adoring - chen lu yen

But things went fall apart when Nan’s parents decided to move their house regardless of her protest. Nan who was worried about Le Yun hide the news, but ultimately, Le Yun heard it and was angry. Even though Nan already explained every thing for him, Le Yun wont listened to it. He even didn’t showed up to say goodbye to her.

Despite his anger to her, Nan still worried about him. So she spent two weeks to train Zha as a service dog. And it works. But the problem is, how could she persuade the frustrated Le Yun to accept her good will. Therefor, this time, she need Le Yun’s mother’s cooperation.

Bell and I

I’ve watched Wallace Chung in My Sunshine, General And I, All Out of Love and recently in The Sword and Brocade. But I have never seen him act so lovingly towards a pig named Bell…😂

Adoring - li xiang

Li Xiang is a successful white collar worker and was just about to take his relationship with Qu Fei Fei to the next level. Bu Fei fei had a slight suspicion because Li Xiang never took her to his place. So much to his surprise, she suddenly showed up in his apartment and found Bell.

The pig is considered one of the intelligent animals. It also tends to be affectionate to its owner. So does Bell.  Li Xiang also spoiled her to the max. He made his basement as Bell’s playroom and filled it with tons of stuffed toys. Bell’s also has a wide screen TV and its own lift with a pig nose door button. As a pig, Bell is living the best time of its life. I even get jealous of Bell because it got his own lift, and it’s was obviously bigger than mine… 😤

On the contrary to Li Xiang, Fei fei is not considered as animal lover. She is jealous of Bell and thinks that Li Xiang doesn’t love her as much as he loves Bell. So when she moved to live together with Li Xiang, things went awry. Li Xiang is having a hard time balancing his relationship with Fei Fei and his attention to Bell.

Fei Fei then  asked Li Xiang to take Bell into a shelter and leave it there. Li Xiang was frustrated and takes out his frustration to Bell and agree to leave it on a shelter.

Fei Fei was elated, she decided to clean up the basement and put all the stuffed toys in boxes when she found a record of Li Xiang and Bell.

Feeling remorse, she asked Li Xiang to take Bell back from the shelter. Li Xiang was happy but he decided to go to the shelter in the morning. But at the breakfast table, Fei-fei receives a phone call telling her that Bell was mistakenly taken to the slaughterhouse.

I hate Qu Fei Fei, she was a jealous and selfish woman. But I also hate Li Xiang for his cowardliness. He didn’t try hard enough to make Fei fei accept Bell in their house and, as a result, Bell must meet misfortune. You know, pigs don’t have any emotion displayed on their faces. But at that moment, I saw a slight disappointment on Bell’s face when Li Xiang left. As I always said, if watching an actor makes me want to slap or hit or curse him/her. It means they already did a good job acting as a villain. And Yang Zi Shan nailed it because I  really wanted to slap him at that time.

The Half of My Share

An Ying is a mysophobic illustrator who falls in love with Luo Hua, her neighbor in the same building. One day, when she was in a convenience store, Luo Hua suddenly barged in and asked for her help to rescue a kitten. An Ying, cannot help but say yes. So they rescued the kitten and Luo Hua asked her to raise the kitten together with him.

An Ying, a girl who never ever had a thought of raising a pet, suddenly had to babysit a kitten. 😆

Adoring - an ying

The kitten that looked very adorable, turned out to be a little beast who messed up with her overly organized house. Overwhelmed by the kitten but cannot refuse at all, An Ying starts to familiarize herself with it. And who would have thought that a little kitten would help her cope with her mysophobic  and eventually lead her to a new chapter of her life?

Adi Kan and Tan Jian Ci’s story is not the most interesting story in this movie. But it didn’t lack warmth and sweetness. I was mesmerized by Adi Kan. She was so cute with her poker face. I am probably going to see another work of hers, because I find her interesting.

The Strayed Terrier That Brought Us Together

The last story is about Ah De and a strayed terrier. Guo Qi Lin was doing a wonderful job as Ah De, a kind-hearted restaurant delivery man.

Ah De was looking for an address when he met the terrier. It was smart and cunning but afraid of people. Many have tried to catch it, but nobody succeeded. It was smart and cunning, and knew very well how to avoid getting caught.

Ah De tried to get to close to the dog. He even picked names for the terrier. Too bad he doesn’t have any talent at it. He chose Paycheck and CEO as its names..😂

After a trip to a nearby vet, Ah De was found out that the terrier was not a stray dog. Barton used to have an owner. He was a mailman, and Barton always accompanied him all the time. But suddenly the mailman fell ill and cannot no longer take care of it. So, before he passed away, he took Barton to the vet, so somebody would take care of it.

But Barton, who didn’t understand the situation, ran away. He stayed in the park where the mailman always took him there. He waited and waited, but he never there. My heart was breaking in this scene. The look of desperation on Barton’s face saddened me…😭

Adoring - ah de

One day, Ah De got shocked when he saw a group of people ganged up to catch a strayed dog. Ah De was feeling afraid for Barton’s well being, he asked for help from the vet and from the people nearby to carry a rescue mission for Barton.

Barton’s story brought us the ending of this sweet movie. His rescue plan was carried out by everyone on this movie, except Le Yun and Gao Ming. Their plan worked out and finally Barton was caught. He finally be able to get close to Ah De, and Ah De with a smiling face hold Barton in his arm. Everybody is smiling and the movie end.

I had a great time watching Adoring. This is not my first time watching an ensemble movie, but Adoring took my heart away. I was amazed by the pets because they were doing such a good job of acting. After doing some quick search, I found out that the animal coordinator for this movie is David Allsberry, a renowned animal trainer and coordinator. I’ve watched some of his work, such as Hachi: A Dog’s Tale, Stuart Little, and Babe: Pig In The City, and I like all those movies. Kudos to him!!

The ending was predictable. The only surprise I saw in this movie is how adorable Wallace Chung is, when he was holding Bell. And the most heartbreaking story is the story of Seven. I was crying my heart out to see him dying.

The Conclusion

Animal movies are my weakness. I always cry every time I watch this genre. I cannot forget the sensation that I felt when I watched Bambi. The sadness, the frustration.. I will never forget the movie. Bambi is the only Disney movie that I will avoid at all cost.

But Adoring is another story. It was not only an animal movie, it had human relationships as its theme. This movie is a sweet romantic comedy that I will NOT avoid at all cost. I gave Adoring a solid 3, not because of the story or the movie was bad. But I feel that the story still need to be explored. 💪🏻

So, I will recommend this Chinese movie for you who love to watch a light and heartwarming romantic comedy movies. You can watch it with your plus one or friends and have a great time laughing and crying like I did. Happy watching!

Iya Moyya
Iya Moyya
"A Chinese drama and movie lover for the past 5 years. I contemplate everything, everyday" - Do you like my writing? You can support me by clicking this donation link: Buy Me A Coffee ☕️, thank you!


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"It was not only an animal movie, it had human relationships as its theme. "Adoring Movie Review
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